Partner with Missions

At The Vine, we support a number of individuals and organisations that align with our church's vision and values. We value the opportunity to connect with potential partners so if you would like to explore what a Vine Missions Partnership involves, please email .

Missions Pathways

Missions Pathways are designed to inform and equip you to understand and respond to significant issues in our community. It is an opportunity that empowers you to explore what a personal response looks like given your gifts, spheres of influence and journey with God. We do this by partnering with local and overseas organisations that align with our desire to see sustainable impact in the lives of people in need. As a church we support the work they are doing and provide a bridge for our church to be involved with those doing the frontline work.

Anti-Human Trafficking

Human trafficking takes place when people are coerced, deceived, or threatened via physical or other forms of violence into exploitative situations, employment, or servitude. This Pathway focuses on learning about trafficking in persons and explores the question of “what can I do to play a role in God’s redemptive story?
Resource Pack

Ministry and Evangelism

As Jesus' followers, we are told to "Go into the whole world and proclaim the good news to every creature." We are all called and equipped with our unique gifts and responsibilities in our spheres of influence to make Christ known. This Pathway explores what our role is as individuals and as a church to respond to this call.
Resource Pack

Childhood Development

As Christians we carry a special role in supporting, caring for, and protecting children who are vulnerable and are exposed to significant risks in our city. This includes physical, social, and spiritual needs and in particular the role which fostering and adoption can play in helping them flourish.
Resource Pack

Economic Empowerment

The impact that poverty has stretches beyond material and financial needs. Poverty has the potential to disrupt all areas of human flourishing. In our Economic Empowerment Pathway we explore what a personal response can look like in playing part of God's restoration of human poverty.
Resource Pack

Creation Care

God's heart for Creation is to see it flourish and fulfill its intended purpose. As part of that creation we live within a complex ecosystem that we share with countless other species. Our posture as believers should lead us to appreciate and cherish humanity and our natural environment.
Resource Pack


Mission Stories

Your story and testimony will inspire others and highlight the work that God is doing. It is also a great resource and encouragement for our ministries to grow. We look forward to hearing your stories and testimonies! Click the button below to share with us.

Tell us your Story

How to Get Involved

If you are interested in taking a further step in your missional engagement, check out our partners' work and get involved, join one of our pathways email us at